A woman setting up her online dating profile

How to Set Up Your Online Dating Profile

Dating Profile Examples

Whether you are looking for love or are just looking to make new friends and have a little bit of fun, you are probably pretty excited about setting up your online dating profile. However, you could be unsure of what to include on your profile. Along with making sure that you put your profile up on the right websites, you should also take your time in filling out your personal information. These are a few handy tips that are sure to help you set up your online dating profile.

Take the Right Photos

If you want to get a lot of responses, you are going to need to add a few pictures to your profile. Consider having someone take your pictures for you rather than taking "selfies," and ensure that you take your photos in adequate lighting. Then, have fun with it, and let your personality really shine. Just try to keep other people out of the picture; the photos for your online dating profile should be about you. Also, be careful about the photos that you post, and make sure that you don't post anything that you wouldn't want your mother or your boss to see.

Fill Out Your "About Me"

The "About Me" section on your profile gives you the chance to tell potential suitors or potential friends all about yourself, so don't hold back. Just make sure that you avoid any clichés if you don't want to look cheesy.

Make it truly personalized by talking about your interests, your goals and the things that you do the most. You want for people to really be able to imagine you and your personality by reading this part of your profile. Just make sure that you don't provide too much personal information; you don't want to put yourself at risk.

Remember: Less is More

Don't go overboard when filling out your profile. Keep things short and sweet, and keep your photographs to just a handful. You don't want people to get bored and overwhelmed when looking over your profile, and you also don't want to come across as desperate. Provide just enough information to get people interested; then, you'll have more to talk about once you make friends or find potential dates.

Online dating can be a lot of fun, no matter what you want to get out of it. To get started, however, you will need the perfect profile. Luckily, following these tips should help you get started.