steam activities

Engage Your Child’s Creativity and Learning with Fun Activities

A Guide for Parents and Grandparents

Introducing children to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) at a young age can be a fun and exciting way to encourage their curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills. It is a great way to spend quality time with your children or grandchildren and be educational and stimulating. Let's take a look at some fun steam activities.

Ideas for Getting Started

There are many fun STEAM activities for kids that you can do at home with simple supplies, including:

  • Build a tower: Gather materials like toothpicks, marshmallows and spaghetti noodles, and challenge your kids to build the tallest tower they can.
  • Make a volcano: Create a volcanic eruption using baking soda, vinegar and food coloring. This is a great way to introduce your kids to chemical reactions.
  • Build a simple machine: Use simple materials like cardboard, paper clips and rubber bands to create a simple machine, like a pulley or lever.
  • Make slime: Create a DIY slime recipe using glue, borax and food coloring. This is a great way to teach your kids about chemical properties.
  • Conduct an experiment: You can do plenty of easy experiments with your kids, like testing the buoyancy of different objects in the water.
  • Solve a puzzle: Introduce your kids to logic puzzles or brain teasers that challenge them to think creatively.
  • Build a bridge: Use toothpicks and mini marshmallows to build a bridge that can hold a certain amount of weight.

More Ideas for At Home

Some other fun STEAM-centered activities that you can do at home include:

  • Build a robot: Use cardboard, markers and other materials to create a unique robot that your child can program to perform specific tasks.
  • Create a stop-motion animation: Use a camera or smartphone to create a stop-motion animation using clay, Legos or other materials.
  • Make a kaleidoscope: Use mirrors, paper and beads to create a unique kaleidoscope that your child can use to explore patterns and symmetry.
  • Create a light-up card: Use conductive thread and LEDs to create a light-up card that your child can give to someone special.
  • Build a musical instrument: Use recycled materials like cardboard and rubber bands to create a musical instrument that your child can play.
  • Design a city: Use Legos or other materials to create a miniature city that your child can design and build.

Outdoor Activities

If you are looking to spend more time outside, there are many fun and engaging STEAM activities for kids that you can do outdoors. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Build a nature scavenger hunt: Create a list of items that your child can find in nature, such as leaves, rocks or flowers. Have them collect and use the items to create a nature-inspired art project.
  • Create a solar oven: Use a cardboard box and aluminum foil to create a solar oven that your child can use to cook food using the sun's power.
  • Make a water balloon launcher: Use rubber bands and a plastic cup to create a water balloon launcher that your child can use to test different launch angles and distances.
  • Create a backyard obstacle course: Use items like hula hoops, cones and balance beams to create a backyard obstacle course that challenges your child's balance, coordination and problem-solving skills.
  • Build a birdhouse: Use wood scraps and simple tools to build a birdhouse that your child can decorate and hang in the backyard.
  • Make giant bubbles: Mix up a batch of homemade bubble solution and use a DIY bubble wand to create giant bubbles that your child can chase and pop.

The key to outdoor STEAM activities is to encourage your child to explore, experiment and have fun. Outdoor activities also provide a great opportunity to teach your child about the natural world and environmental science.

Subscription Services

If you need help knowing where to start, or you are looking to purchase kits to help in your planning of activities, there are many STEAM-related subscription services available to buy. Some of the more popular options include:

  • KiwiCo: KiwiCo offers a range of monthly subscription boxes that include age-appropriate STEAM projects for kids ages 0-16+. Each box includes all the materials and instructions needed to complete the project.
  • Bitsbox: Bitsbox is a subscription service that teaches kids how to code by sending them monthly coding projects in the mail. The projects are designed for kids ages 6-14.
  • Green Kid Crafts: Green Kid Crafts is a subscription service that sends monthly boxes with eco-friendly STEAM activities for kids ages 2-10. Each box includes all the materials and instructions needed for multiple projects.
  • Little Passports: Little Passports is a monthly subscription service that focuses on geography, science and culture. Each box includes activities, games and souvenirs that teach kids about a different country or theme

These subscription services can be a great way to keep your child engaged and excited about STEAM learning. Just be sure to choose the one that best fits your child's interests and age range.

Remember, STEAM activities encourage creativity and problem-solving skills while engaging your child's imagination. The key is to have fun and explore new ideas together.