surprising rome facts

Secrets of the Eternal City: 10 Surprising Rome Facts

It's Time to Discover Rome

Rome is a city full of history, culture and amazing things to discover. From ancient ruins to tasty food, there’s so much to learn about this incredible place.

10 Surprising Facts About Rome

1. Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus Tours: The Easiest Way to See Rome

Exploring Rome can be a bit overwhelming because there’s so much to see! Hop-on, hop-off bus tours are a great way to visit all the famous landmarks without getting tired. These buses take you to places like the Colosseum, Vatican City and the Trevi Fountain. You can get off the bus at any stop to explore and then hop back on to go to the next one. It’s super convenient and perfect for seeing the city at your own pace.

2. Rome Has More Fountains Than Any Other City

Rome is known as the "City of Fountains" because it has over 1,500 fountains! The most famous one is the Trevi Fountain. Legend says that if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you’ll return to Rome one day. These fountains are not just beautiful but also have a long history, with some dating back to ancient Roman times.

3. Rome Is Home to the Smallest Country in the World

Did you know that Rome is home to the smallest country in the world? Vatican City, where the Pope lives, is an independent country located right in the heart of Rome. It’s only about 100 acres in size, but it’s packed with incredible sites like St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, where you can see Michelangelo’s famous ceiling painting.

4. The Colosseum Could Hold Over 50,000 Spectators

The Colosseum is one of Rome’s most iconic landmarks. It’s an ancient amphitheater where gladiators used to fight, and it could hold more than 50,000 people at once! The Colosseum is nearly 2,000 years old and still stands as a symbol of Rome’s rich history. Today, you can visit and walk through the same corridors that ancient Romans did.

5. Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is more than just a phrase—it’s a reminder of Rome’s long and fascinating history. Rome has been around for over 2,700 years, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. As you walk through the city, you’ll see layers of history, from ancient ruins to Renaissance art.

6. Rome Has a Museum Inside a Museum

Rome’s Vatican Museums are so large that they’re often described as a museum within a museum. There are 54 galleries with thousands of works of art, including famous pieces like Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” in the Sistine Chapel. You could spend days exploring the Vatican Museums and still not see everything!

7. There’s a Pyramid in Rome

Yes, you read that right! Rome has its very own pyramid called the Pyramid of Cestius. It was built over 2,000 years ago as a tomb for a wealthy Roman named Cestius. The pyramid is smaller than the ones in Egypt, but it’s still a surprising sight in the middle of Rome.

8. Rome’s Streets Are Lined with Ancient Obelisks

Rome is home to more ancient Egyptian obelisks than Egypt itself! These tall, pointed stone pillars were brought to Rome by emperors who wanted to show off their power. Today, you can see these obelisks all over the city, standing as reminders of Rome’s ancient connections with Egypt.

9. Romans Invented Concrete

The Romans were amazing builders, and they were the first to use concrete in construction. They invented a type of concrete that was so strong, it was used to build structures like the Pantheon, which still stands today. The Romans’ concrete-making techniques were so advanced that some of their buildings have lasted for over 2,000 years!

10. Rome Has a Cat Sanctuary in Ancient Ruins

Rome is home to a unique cat sanctuary located in the ancient ruins of Largo di Torre Argentina. This site is where Julius Caesar was assassinated, and today, it’s a haven for stray cats. Volunteers care for the cats, and visitors can stop by to see the ruins and meet the feline residents. It’s a surprising and heartwarming part of Rome’s rich history.

Flights From India

Flights from India to Rome are available from major cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Airlines like Air India, Qatar Airways and Emirates offer one-stop flights, typically with layovers in Doha, Dubai, or Abu Dhabi. Direct flights from Delhi to Rome are also available with a flight time of around 8 hours. Depending on the airline and the time of booking, prices can vary, with peak travel seasons seeing higher fares. Rome's Fiumicino Airport is the main international hub, connecting travelers to the city's rich history and culture.

Rome Revealed

Rome is a city full of surprises, with a history that spans thousands of years. From ancient landmarks to modern-day attractions, there’s always something new to learn and discover in this incredible city!

Read on to learn about some Germany facts.