A house with solar panels installed

What to Know Before Installing Solar Panels

Solar Panel Installation

Professional solar panel installation can save you a lot of money. If you install the system yourself, you will be able to save even more money than if you hire professionals. However, there are a few drawbacks, so you should do some research to determine if this is a realistic DIY project, or something you need to call professionals for. Some people may wonder, "are solar panels worth it?" A handyman with the right amount of skills should be able to install and design the system without hiring a contractor. However, connecting a solar system grid to your home is nothing to experiment with because it can lead to serious injuries. So, if you don't have the expertise, you might not want to do it yourself.

The complexity of a solar panel system will also rely on the policies and regulations in your area. Some areas will not allow a do-it-yourself option and require certification in the field, so you'll need to do some research beforehand.

Solar Panel Installation Kits

Within the last few years, only a select handful of solar companies have given a plug and play option to their customers. You can use these panels by connecting them to a 120V power outlet. This type of kit does not require a professional installer. However, certified professionals are cautious of this technology because of how new it is. As time goes on, there will be more information to determine the viability of this option.

Choosing the Best Solar Panel Systems

Once you have calculated the amount of savings a solar panel can offer you, it is time to decide on the best brands and types for your home. Most solar panels can last up to 25 years or more, and offer a reliable option to save money on your power bill.

The five best solar panel systems based on the reviews of other consumers are:

  • LG Solar
  • Sun Power
  • Canadian Solar
  • SolarWorld Americas Inc.
  • Silfab

How to Calculate How Many Panels You Need

To determine how to calculate how many panels you need, you will need to start by figuring out the average amount of energy you will use. To do this, you should refer to your past utility bills. You can calculate the number of solar panels by using a free solar panel calculator online. Some solar panel agencies will ask you a few basic questions to help you get started. These questions usually include the following:

  • How many watts do you use in your home?
  • What is your average daily energy usage?
  • How many hours of sunlight can you expect per day at your home or in your area?

These questions will help you determine how much energy you need to produce, and how many solar panels you will need to do so.

If you are not familiar with the amount of sunlight to expect per day, then you can refer to The Renewable Resource Data Center. This center will provide solar resource data and the tools you need to get information about your specific city and state.

Benefits Of Solar Panels

Solar energy is a way to get the sun’s radiation and convert it into heat or electricity. You can use this kind of renewable energy freely, and have the right technology to harness it. There are many benefits to using solar panels in your home. Here are a few of the main ones to get you started:

Better Impact On The Environment: Since solar energy is a renewable resource, it has one of the smallest impacts on the environment. It does not pollute the water or air, and does not produce greenhouse gases. If you want to lessen your carbon footprint, using solar panels will help you do so in an effective way.

Reduce Your Energy Bill: When you generate your own electricity, your utility supplier loses out on a residual payment from you. This will cut costs on your energy bill.

Solar Energy is Accessible Everywhere: If there is sunshine outside, then there is solar energy available. A vast amount of people need some kind of energy source to survive. Independent solar systems change the lives of millions. Individuals can also use this source of energy on planes, boats, and other forms of transportation.

Grid Security: When you associate yourself with a power plant or utility company, then you are susceptible to power outages and blackouts. By using a solar energy option, you can improve the security of the grid and omit being affected by a natural disaster. Never again will you ask yourself "are solar panels worth it?"